Hi, I get the following error from ReductStore Python SDK:
aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectionError: Connection closed
when running this code:
async def get_images_from_records(records: List[Record]):
images = []
for record in records:
dtype = record.labels.get("dtype")
height = int(record.labels.get("height"))
width = int(record.labels.get("width"))
channels = int(record.labels.get("channels"))
if "image" in str(record.labels.get("type")):
image = np.frombuffer(await record.read_all(), dtype=dtype).reshape((height, width, channels))
return images
any ways to fix this? for the same error in another function I used:
async with Client("http://localhost:8383") as client:
but this cant be used here cause i dont need it